Monday, January 23, 2012


heyow again cyber people !

finally the exams are over and im so done with studying. seriously, this semester has been exhausting in so many ways. thats probably the main reason why my one week holiday went so great. i enjoyed every single minute of my holidays because these are the days i have been waiting for.

life is good on holiday, indeed. i had a great quality time with my self, mommy, and my man.

here are a few of my holiday photos :)

i have loved dash berlin since the first time i heard his song. till the sky falls down and waiting are my favorites

unfortunately x2 club was crowded as hell, it was impossible to get decent photo of dash berlin. haih ! but i really enjoyed his performance

one day trip to bandung

trans studio bandung

trans studio also crowded, so i bought a VIP access (VIP gets privileges to not wait in lines and allowed to get on the ride faster)

i had a romantic candle light dinner at the valley, bandung

the valley is the best place to view bandung city at night

how did u spent ur holiday ? xoxo

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